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1 on 1 Fitness Training 

No injury, but you want to achieve and maintain an active lifestyle? We are able to design an individualized exercise program to keep you performing the activities you love. Can be done in person or virtually.

Community Re-integration Program 

Not sure if you’re ready to get back out in the community to grocery shop, go to your favorite park, visit the home of family and friends? We meet you at the location and specially training in those areas to safely get you back to enjoying life.

Therapeutic Massage and Stretch Session

1hr combination of deep tissue massage and stretching of the shoulders, neck, and hips to release stress & tension in your muscles, reduce pain and stiffness in your joints, and improve your flexibility to get you back to moving and feeling refreshed.

S.A.I.L (Staying Active and Independent for Life) Program 

This is a 12-week group fitness class for adults age 65+. If you are interested in being a host site for this class contact Infinite Rehab and Wellness today.

Staff & Caregiver Back Safety and Transfer Training Workshop

If your staff needs professional training on injury prevention during client/patient care. We can help.

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